History Repeats Itself

What India is going through with its youth is not something new. This is exactly what America went through in its history in the 1960’s. The youth, frustrated with the lives led by their parents, rejected and rebelled against the set standards of the society and formed rules of their own, by discarding and disowning their connections with their families and experimenting with drugs, alcohol and other dangerous addictions. This was also known as the ‘hippie’ movement


EVOLVE club is the group of ALUMNI,it started by alumni of Engineering college Aurangabad.Our purpose is To bejewel students with wisdom, knowledge and values to enable them to lead principle-centered life and offer practical holistic services to the modern society. We reach up to students by organizing series of seminars in various colleges.


EVOLVE club is the group of Alumni and Students of Engineering Colleges in india. Our purpose is to serve the world, specially Youths

We have dynamic, enthusistic team members who are reaching the youths, We are assisting youths and students for overcoming dificulties and problems duw to various reasons. Specially we are working on DE-ADDICTIONT, Life Management, Personality Development, Habits. Thousands of students are getting benefited by our initiative. We are organizing Seminars, Events in Engineering Colleges like GECA-Government Engineering College Aurangabad, MIT, JNEC, GHATI, MGM, Deogiri in Aurangabad. Many students are Joining us ang getting inspired to achieve success in Life by overcoming Hurdles. We believe in Heart Transformation by Education and Good Association. We are serving the Nation with Great Vision of Transforming the INDIA by Tranforming Lives of the Youths.

Want to join us?

Click here


We are inspiring to many students for fulfilling our motto of selfless service to humanity. This website will fulfil requirement of providing a information about our programmes, Camps, activities so that students will able to take benefit. We request you to register with us for recieving regular updates the status of our programmes at different colleges.Registered users will be served by EVOLVE website. We regularly updates the status of different activities. We are serving the country with the help of web technology . This website is developed & maintained by the evolve club members .


EVOLVE club is a group of Engineers & Doctors from different colleges of India. Our purpose is to serve the world and especially the youths who need guidance for overcoming real problems of life, by providing the facilities to students for developing good character, values in personal life & Academics, Carrier Guidance in professional life. We reach to students by organizing helpful seminars, workshops, one to one meet. Thousands of students have been benefited by our initiative and our family is growing rapidly.




EVOLVE Aurangabad


Er. Shrikant Yemekar 7276026384

Er. Anil M. 8484893228
Er. Shivanand U. 7875996319
Er. Rahul P. 9404469633
Er. Devansh 9657932164
Er. Aniket Nikam 9404486615

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